Saturday, December 1, 2007

Gremlins 2 stoned movie review!

Tonight I watched the Movie Gremlins 2. I havn't seen it in many years and deeply regret that. So I took note of a few things that happened in the movie. The first being that the voice of the talking gremlin sounds much like David Bowie, and I would ultimately like to know who in fact did the voice over.
The second is that I wonder if Chuck Palahnuik was inspired to create Marla Singer from the Character Marla (Billy's boss) in Gremlins.... maybe it was just a high connection that I made but I could see that....
Thirdly the creaters of the movie obviously were stoners, the movie was cholk full of hilarious allegories to the stoners delight, such as planning the attack against the gremlins at 4:20.... the gremlins having the late night midnight munchies, they are smoking a ton in the movie... and some other things, but you'd have to watch it and you would know exactly what I was talking about.
Hulk Hogan makes a cameo appearance towards the end of the movie which is great because, and lets be honest here, who doesn't love Hulk Hogan? Hmmmm?
The marketing placement was quite funny in this movie, one of the last lines in the movie (is said by Mr. Clamp) " You know what I see? Dolls with suction cups staring out of car window!" Yes and did become quite popular didn't they?
The last thing I want to touch base on from the movie is the integration of Stolkholm syndrome. There is one Prima Donna Diva gremlin whom takes a liking to Forester (the jackass over authoritative jerk of operations) Now at the end of the movie she plays Cannon in D and we all know what that means? Bells are-a-ringin and veils are a droppin. At this point in the movie Forester gives a sly shoulder shrug and a a little wink in the end giving off the impression that "hey, maybe it's not so bad after all"

So thats my little diddy on Gremlins

Friday, November 30, 2007

Una revolucion de amor

I was discussing somethings with a good friend of mine today and we decided that we wanted to bring the 80's back because we both are in love with the lifestyle. I have one song to sum it all up with Shannon- Let the music play.

Also the never ending story is a great reason to bring the 80's back. I want to know when someone will invent a transporter, I will be the first to test it willingly.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Bus Stop Blues

As of late I have been realising how alone I feel since moving. Yes I live with 3 other people and I have aquaintances here, but what does that really add up to? I don't have any friends.... I have never been able to fully open myself up to a person because of events that have accumulated into me not being able to trust. It's one of my biggest flaws and I am trying very hard to work on it, but I feel like no one wants to be burdoned with my inner feelings, nor would they care either way. So the more I feel alone the more I feel compelled to exert my talents, not to gain attention, but to occupy myself to the point that I don't feel so alone because I am putting all of my energy into something other than time with another person. You would be amazed at what you can get done... wierdly enough when I am on the bus is when I feel the most alone. Today I was reading a book by my favorite author, Chuck Palahnuik and I came across this amazing quote:

" That's the big question "why are you alone?" I mean we're all alone. Aloneness is.... thats life. It's the quality of our aloneness that matters. Whether it's equality or solitude. I am a solitary kind of person. I always have been, ever since I was a kid. I guess it's hard.... It takes a lot of time for me to let someone in"

So now I get to thinking ( at this point in the day ) Does everyone feel this way? Truely, deep inside do people feel like they are alone? I think they do, I don't feel so alone anymore knowing that everyone else feels like they are alone as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I love the fact that I just type away here and someone could possibly read it and possibly relate to me... possibly.

Oh by the way I am just about finished with my Rawk-n-Roll Series and believe me, it turned out phenomenal. They will be for sale soon.
Now I shall go pass out in oversized, lush, satin sheeted princess bed, alone... at least I don't have to share the blankets! :)